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FAQs & Resources

Navigating the intricacies of customs can be challenging. To provide you with valuable insights into the CustomsPro system and address common questions, we have compiled helpful information for your reference.

No, there are NO on-boarding fees or subscription charges. You simply pay a flat rate per consignment.

Yes, the deadlines vary:


✈Air freight: Short-haul flights (less than 4 hours) – by the time of take-off; long-haul flights – at least 4 hours before arrival. SS-declarations-by-AIR (1)


🚢Sea freight: Container shipments – at least 24 hours before loading at port of departure; Bulk or break-bulk cargo – at least 4 hours before arrival. SS-declarations-by-SEA (1)


🚛Road freight: RoRo accompanied and unaccompanied freight – at least 2 hours before arrival of the ferry operator. SS-declarations-by-RO-RO (1)


🚊Rail freight: Short rail journey (less than 2 hours duration) – at least 1 hour before arrival of the train; Long rail journey (more than 2 hours duration) – at least 2 hours before arrival of the train. SS-declarations-by-RAIL (1)


🚇Eurotunnel: Road traffic (Channel Tunnel – Le Shuttle Freight) – at least 1 hour before arrival at the Eurotunnel terminal (at Coquelles, France). SS-declarations-by-EUROTUNNEL (1)


As a CustomsPro customer you will not need to have your own DTI badge. ChannelPorts have extensive coverage across all RoRo ports in the UK.

Yes, amendments can be made to an ENS declaration, but only by the person or entity that lodged the original ENS. Amendments can be made up until the goods arrive at the first point of entry, but frequent or last-minute changes may trigger additional risk assessments.

Submitted entry summary declarations can be amended but not cancelled. If the goods will no longer be shipped, it is not necessary to inform the service.

More information can be found on the UK government website:

Yes, you can stop using the CustomsPro system when you choose.

Yes, you can delegate ENS submission to a customs broker or another party in your supply chain. However, the carrier remains legally responsible for ensuring the declaration is accurate and submitted on time.

CustomsPro should not be used for the export of Excise goods, particularly when these goods are in a Duty Suspended state. The reason behind this restriction lies in the requirement of including the Electronic Case Management System (ECMS) reference in a specific field of the export declaration. Unfortunately, CustomsPro currently does not support the inclusion of this critical information.


If you have any shipments of this nature, we kindly request that you refrain from entering them onto CustomsPro. Instead, please open a support ticket with us, and our support team will take it from there. They will be responsible for completing the necessary declaration on your behalf. As part of this process, our staff will also reach out to the exporter, if needed, to confirm whether the goods are indeed duty suspended. In such cases, they will obtain the required ECMS number. If the goods are duty paid, an ECMS number is not necessary.


To aid in identifying Excise dutiable goods, please take note that the first 4 characters of the commodity code are as follows:


2203 (Beer)

2204 (Wine)

2205 (Fortified Wines)

2206 (Ciders/Perry)

2207 (Ethyl Alcohol)


Furthermore, please be aware that goods covered by a commodity code starting with 2208 (spirits such as Whisky, Vodka, etc.), as well as 2402 (Cigarettes) and 2403 (Tobacco), ChannelPorts prohibit involvement in the clearance of these goods.

Yes. Once your IT department have reviewed the CustomsPro API we can provide access to the CustomsPro sandbox for testing prior to going live.

You do not need to make an entry summary declaration for goods if you are:

  • bringing or receiving them into Northern Ireland from an EU country
  • moving qualifying Northern Ireland goods from Northern Ireland to Great Britain
  • importing goods to Great Britain from the EU (or other countries when this was not previously required)

Some goods also do not need a declaration, including those that are:

  • electrical energy
  • entering by pipeline
  • letters, postcards and printed material, including those on electronic media
  • in a traveller’s personal luggage
  • declared to customs orally


You can find a more detailed list in Article 104 of the retained Commission Delegated Regulation (EU) 2015/2446.   Please also find more information here: Making an entry summary declaration – GOV.UK

Customs clearance will be required before the goods arrive at the border. To avoid costly delays and downtimes, it is worth establishing cooperation with a professional customs clearance organisation such as ChannelPorts as early as possible.

Yes, the “UNN” reference provided in the IPAFFS declaration is required to lodge your customs declaration in CDS – our team can handle both declarations for you.

No, ENS declarations must be submitted before the goods arrive in the UK. The Customs Declaration Service (CDS) has no role with ENS declarations, this is aseparate system that does not talk to S&S GB, so information from the customs declaration can’t be shared for the ENS declaration. Similarly, whilst it is optional for the S&S MRN to be included in the Goods Movement Reference (GMR), S&S GB is a separate system that does not talk to the Goods Vehicle Movement Service (GVMS).

At the moment we only support import declarations with the Customs Declaration Service (CDS) and export declarations with Customs Handling of Import and Export Freight (CHIEF) . Please contact us for more information.

Yes, an entry summary declaration (ENS) is required for transit through the UK.


For outbound transit movements, no exit summary declaration (EXS) is required where goods are moved through Great Britain under transit, and an entry summary declaration (ENS) has been made within 14 days of arrival.

ChannelPorts is authorised to complete and stamp these documents. Please get in contact here to discuss your needs.

CustomsPro ENS offers a fast, easy-to-use platform for submitting ENS declarations. It reduces the risk of errors, ensures timely submissions, and integrates seamlessly with existing customs processes.  Please contact us to find out more.


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